Peirong Zheng

I am currently a PhD student at PolyU, supervised by Dr XU Wenchao. My research interest broadly lies in the application of AI, specifically edge intelligence and large language models. I am highly motivated to explore these cutting-edge research topics. You can download my CV here.


  • [05/2024] One paper is accepted to SIGKDD’24
  • [02/2023] One paper is accepted to IEEE EMBC’23


Jan 2024 - present
PhD student in Computing@PolyU

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Jan 2024 - Dec 2027
PhD in Computing

Nanyang Technological University

Aug 2022 - Nov 2023
M.Sc in Communications Engineering

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Aug 2018 - July 2022
B.E. in Communication Engineering (Yingcai Honors Program of UESTC)
